Friday, December 21, 2012


So as we all know, today (December 21,2012) is the day the world is supposed to end. I never believed it. And as I write this at, lets see, 9:47 PM, I am still here. Also, yesterday, if the world ended today, Australia would've been gone, and its not either. So, anyway, what I want to talk about today is why the Mayan calendar really ended. I'll share my personal theory with you. The Mayans made these calendars a really long time ago (sorry, I'm terrible at timelines and such), and they made them up until today. Thats a lot of work, right? So anyway, I think that the people making the calendars probably got bored and left, thinking that they could make some more calendars closer to the date when they ran out. But then they died. Do any of you have theories about the end of the world? If you do, I'd love to read/hear them. Post a comment or send me an email at if you have a theory. Fun Fact: Last night, I watched 2012 with my family. And while it wasnt a terrible movie in general, it was fantastically mockable, especially for my dad, the chemistry teacher. So that was fun.
Another Fun Fact: I am a HUGE Doctor Who fan, and in one episode, the Doctor goes to the end of the world. In this episode, appropriately titled The End of the World, the Doctor says something I liked a lot. He said, "You lot. You spend all your time thinking about dying. Like you're going to get killed by eggs or beef or global warming or asteroids. But you never take the time to imagine the impossible. That maybe you survive. This is the year 5.5/Apple/26. Five billion years in your future. And this is the day-hold on. This is the day the sun expands. Welcome to the end of the world."I'll post a link to a clip if anybody's interested. So everyone, let me leave you with this thought. Teenagers: stop trying to grow up so fast and live a little. Adults: Spend time with the ones you love, and older people: enjoy the fabulous life you had on this wonderful planet. Everyone: stop thinking about dying, and start focusing on living. Sorry to be so serious, but its a serious topic. Also, from now on, I'm going to finish each post on this blog with a quote. So here's this one: "Remember not only to say the right thing at the right place, but far more difficult still, to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment." -Benjamin Franklin. Thanks everyone, I'll talk to you all later. Remember: Send emails to or post a comment with ideas. Thanks!

Thursday, December 13, 2012

What You Probably Didn't Know About Disney's Adaptation of "Cinderella"

Alrighty then, hello! I've been thinking that something I can do that'll be interesting is a little series called "What you probably didn't know about...", where I basically put random facts up about random things. This one will start a mini-series about Disney movies adapted from the Grimm Folk Tales.
What you probably didnt know about Disney's "Cinderella"
1. In the Grimm Tales, Cinderella is actually called "Ashputtel"
2. The ugly stepsisters were actually beautiful, but their hearts were ugly
3. The fairy godmother was a bird that lived in a tree above the mother's grave.
4. There was no limit as to how late she could stay out.
5. The prince was holding a series of three feasts
6. On the third night, the prince pours tar on the stairs to make Ashputtel lose her shoe.
7. The other two nights, he follows her home and she hides until he leaves
8. The prince carries away both stepsisters before finding Ashputtel
9. The first stepsister couldn't fit into the shoe, so she chopped off her big toe.
10. The second carved off a slice of her heel
11. The bird who lived in the tree told the prince each time he carried off the wrong girl
12. There was no pumpkin carriage
13. At the wedding, the birds from the tree arrive and pluck out one of each stepsister's eyes.
Hopefully you learned something new! See you all later!
PS the email i gave earlier is actually wrong, the real one is just

Saturday, December 8, 2012


Hello people of the planet! I recently decided to start this blog to talk about absolutely nothing. But, here's the catch. I'll need YOUR help to do it. Every week, I'm going to post a blog about a topic submitted by you, because, frankly, I cant think of enough random topics to be able to blog every week. The topics can be anything from food to YouTube channels to TV shows. However, I have another blog to do book reviews, so if you want to do that, please visit Also, if you have any ideas for anything else that you want me to do, post a comment or e-mail me at (I think that exists, but I'll have to check and get back to you later) Thanks so much anyone or everyone!