Sunday, January 6, 2013


Hey, everyone! I know its a bit late but I just wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukah, Kwanzaa! Sorry to any other holidays I missed, but Happy Them too! And also, Happy New Year!!! 2013 is going to be a big year for me. I'm turning 15 this month, getting my learners' permit, going to Europe this summer, and finishing my first year in high school! Not to mention that the second part of The Hobbit will be out in December! I'm really excited by that, if you can't tell by my overuse of exclamation points. Anyway, here are a few things I'm planning to do this year:
1. Be more consistent with posting, both here and on my book review blog (
2. Write my book! Yes, I am working on a novel, and I have been for a few years. Sadly, I've realized that everything I wrote in the past year or so is absolute garbage. If anyone has any ideas for either dreams/nightmares or ways to die, please tell me. (Just rough ideas please)
3. I'm thinking of doing videos on my YouTube channel. Is that a good idea? Maybe not, but I'll try anyway. The videos will probably be music-based or some of my book reviews put into video form. One is already up, it is called Morgan Waas playing "River Flows in You" by Yiruma. Check it out! Oh, and feel free to mock me as much as you'd like for my awful titles.
OK, well that's all for tonight, and I'll leave you with your quote. This week it comes from "The Two Towers" by J.R.R. Tolkein, which I am currently rereading:
"But slowly, very slowly. Very carefully! Or hobbits go down to join the Dead ones and light little candles. Follow Smeagol! Don't look at the lights!" Smeagol, The Two Towers, The Passage of the Marshes
PS Most of these quotes will probably be from books, movies, or TV Shows
PPS What do you want to see on my blog to make it better? Let me know!

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