Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Im Back Everyone!

Ok, so I know I said i wasn't gonna post anymore, but I got bored and checked my pageviews, and I had 52 in the past MONTH!!! So then I felt guilty and decided to start posting again, probably Saturdays again. So I saw this picture:
And I thought it was hilarious, so Im gonna talk a little about John Barrowman (aka Captain Jack Harkness from Doctor Who and Torchwood for anyone who doesn't know) I dont really know that much about him in all honesty, but I do know that he is an American actor and he has a great character in both shows.(I havent actually watched Torchwood, but i assume that Jack's about the same in both. On that note, would any of you recommend Torchwood for me to watch? Im kinda in between shows since Netflix hasnt posted the new Doctor Who or Merlin seasons yet) So, you guys can pick my next topic, sorry this is so short. Make sure to leave a comment or email me with anything you'd like to say. Im glad I can tell that someone at least looks at my posts. Thanks you guys!!
Quote of the week: 
PS I will make a photo edit(I can do simple ones) of your choice for the first person to tell me what two things this next picture is a crossover from(be specific)

PPS This is pretty much the only thing I can do with pictures:

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